Stories, Inspiration, News, Advice, Tips and Opinions from Paul

Staying fit, well and optimistic during a pandemic
Health, Wellbeing Paul Persad Health, Wellbeing Paul Persad

Staying fit, well and optimistic during a pandemic

It’s not easy is it? - trying to stay optimistic during a Corona virus pandemic. Ask anyone who’s been working long hours for the NHS; anyone who’s self-employed and had to suspend business practices; or those of you having to home school children while considering where your home income is going to come from, there aren’t any easy answers.

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Exercising after age 60 - Yes you can!
Health, Wellbeing Paul Persad Health, Wellbeing Paul Persad

Exercising after age 60 - Yes you can!

Exercise might be the least of your priorities when you’re over 60. However, spare this thought - you’ve had a full life, but what about the years ahead? Are you going to be well enough in your retirement? I know of people who never quite reached their pension age. Some are so shattered with stress after their work years, that their state of health has deteriorated and now they’re spending more time dealing with chronic illness, heart disease etc and frequently visiting GPs’ and hospitals rather than enjoying life.

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Why Personalised Exercise Plans are so important
Health, Wellbeing Paul Persad Health, Wellbeing Paul Persad

Why Personalised Exercise Plans are so important

Fashion cultures, exercise fads and diets come and go. Sometimes, they’ll suit us, and sometimes they won’t. Much of the guidance we read in the press, social media, or even general health guidance is based on a ‘one size fits all’ approach. ‘Do this, take that, or try this out’ – but do they really get to the root cause of a problem?

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Why you’re not losing bodyfat! Part 1
Health, Wellbeing Paul Persad Health, Wellbeing Paul Persad

Why you’re not losing bodyfat! Part 1

Are you noticing stubborn lower belly fat – the spare tyre? Maybe you follow national health guidelines, you’ve been exercising, you think you’re eating well. Maybe you lost some weight at some point but for whatever reason, you’re back to where you’ve started, or you’re even heavier?

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How do you achieve fitness success?
Paul Persad Paul Persad

How do you achieve fitness success?

What makes successful athletes stand out? Is it all about having unique talent and being physiologically fortunate? Ask any winning Olympic athlete how they got to the top and they will tell you, it’s not just because they had the right body shape or some natural skill.

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